
Chairman’s Interview

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  • Philosophy
  • From our Chairman先進 (Senshin)

In my teenage years, I found myself working tirelessly at a small factory in downtown Tokyo during the day, while dedicating my nights to studying engineering at an industrial arts high school.

I had dreams of pursuing a four-year engineering degree, but financial constraints were a harsh reality. My mother, a single parent raising six children, simply couldn’t afford it. In fact, I even had to work to pay my own high school tuition.

Each day at that factory was marked by repetitive tasks, and it often felt like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle. But what fueled me was my unwavering vision for the future – I yearned to establish my very own manufacturing company. I clung to the concept of “Senshin” or “Advanced,” relentlessly seeking cutting-edge ideas for advanced technologies.

Today, our unique products stand as a testament to the perseverance and determination that started in those challenging days. They represent the excellence born from a relentless pursuit of innovation and a dream that refused to be extinguished.


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