【Case Study】Steel treating company

We will introduce a case study of a steel treating company.

They installed our GW Series.

  1. Application:
    18% HCL.(Hydrochloric Acid 18%), intermittent using
  2. Why did you purchase this product?
    Customer was looking for a corrosion resistant submersible.
  3. How did you know about this product?
    We have been selling WP for some time.
  4. What is the use of this product? What is the working solution?
    Metal Processing. Lowering the fluid level in a pit which may at times get exposed to low pH.
  5. Which products had been used before?
    Zoller and Flygt  submersible pumps
  6. What is the facility size (square feet) for use for this product?
    200,000 + Sq Ft

Thank you for choosing our products.

GW Series is:

1. The world’s firrst fully corrosion-resistant, non- metallic magnetic drive submersible pump for acids and alkalis

2. A built-in thermal protector for automatic motor shutdown

3. Lightweight construction and easy handling in emergency situations

4. Submersible is Oil Free

If you want to install it into your facilities, please contact us. We will give you free estimate.

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